Smoke Damage Restoration For Carpets In Brisbane
Has your home or office suffered fire or smoke damage?
Unfortunately fires happen within the home and office, which can cause damage to carpets and furnishings. The good news is your carpets, upholstery and furniture can be restored by our experts at ChemDry Amazing Carpet, Rug and Tile Cleaners in Brisbane.
What we can do for you
- Chem-Dry Amazing are trained in smoke damage restoration
- Smoke and the smell left from fires can be very unpleasant to your home and its contents as well as carpets
- Our specialists can restore damaged carpets and get rid of bad odours
- We will also test to see which type of smoke has caused the problem, for instance wet smoke residues or dry smoke, to determine the necessary cleaning materials and equipment to use.
Fire and smoke damage effects
- After a fire, restoring your furnishings, upholstery and carpets should be a priority, if neglected they’ll soon become shabby and spoil the look of your home.
- If you can’t afford to replace them let Chem-Dry Amazing come to your rescue to extend the life of your carpets, rugs and upholstery and keep them in tip-top condition.
- The damage caused by fire and smoke can be very distressing leaving you almost helpless. We can go onsite for the northern and southern Brisbane areas and help.
- There are bound to be questions going around your head for instance; How extensive the damage is, will the carpets need to be replaced, how long will the smell of smoke remain for? Let our staff work with you and the insurance company to give you peace of mind.
Chem-Dry Amazing can help you
- Contact Chem-Dry Amazing for your smoke damage restoration needs whether you are in Logan or Boondal.
- We are experts in this field, which is also tied to a specialist carpet, upholstery and tile cleaning company in Brisbane
- We can deal with the problem and minimise any lasting damage
- Chem-Dry Amazing Fire and Smoke Restoration respond quickly to fire and smoke restoration emergencies setting your mind at ease
- We can answer all of your questions and then begin the work
- Our professional experts will call round to your home or business to see what has to be done to have your carpets, upholstery, tiles and rugs restored and returned to pristine condition.
Fire restoration process
- Before starting the task of restoring your carpets and other furnishings, our specialists will examine the smoke effects carefully, as they can often be deeply embedded in carpet and upholstery fibres, walls and ceilings and will leave long, lingering odours.
- Chem-Dry Amazing can deep-clean and deodorise your carpets, rugs and upholstery on any portion of the material that has been affected by smoke.
- Our restoration team will soon get on with the job to assess the damage and to report back to you with our findings and recommendations of how to eliminate the smell of smoke and to restore your home and content that includes your carpets, rugs and upholstery, with the minimum of inconvenience.